

When regular ol’ modules aren’t cutting it, you want to turn to packages. They allow you to, among other things:

  • Better organize your code with explicit names
    • e.g. from email.message import Message
  • Only import what you need

__init__ files

These files, tucked into subdirectories, establish a subdirectory as a namespace under the umbrella that is the package.

Consider a path that looks like this

!tree /f /a
Folder PATH listing for volume OSDisk
Volume serial number is 16C3-CD43
|   Caching Imports.ipynb
|   Modules.ipynb
|   Packages.ipynb
|   Pathing.ipynb

Executing code in __init__ files

__init__ files can be used to execute at the time of import, but only once.

For example, our __init__ files call print statements like so:

!type "samplepackage\"
import os

print("Automatically printing import statement from file located at:", '\n',
!type "samplepackage\subdirectory\"
import os

print("Automatically printing import statement from file located at:", '\n',

Thus, importing the file one level below yields

import samplepackage.nested
Automatically printing import statement from file located at: 
 C:\Users\nhounshell\Documents\github\BlackBook\Python\Modules and Packages\samplepackage\

Similarly, importing the file two levels down gives a print statement, but only from the second level.

from samplepackage.subdirectory import doublenested
Automatically printing import statement from file located at: 
 C:\Users\nhounshell\Documents\github\BlackBook\Python\Modules and Packages\samplepackage\subdirectory\

However, if you want to get both print statements, for whatever reason, all you have to do is delete the namespace refrerence in the sys.modules dictionary.

import sys

del sys.modules['samplepackage']
del sys.modules['samplepackage.subdirectory']
from samplepackage.subdirectory import doublenested
Automatically printing import statement from file located at: 
 C:\Users\nhounshell\Documents\github\BlackBook\Python\Modules and Packages\samplepackage\
Automatically printing import statement from file located at: 
 C:\Users\nhounshell\Documents\github\BlackBook\Python\Modules and Packages\samplepackage\subdirectory\
import sys

del sys.modules['samplepackage']
del sys.modules['samplepackage.subdirectory']
del sys.modules['samplepackage.nested']
del sys.modules['samplepackage.subdirectory.doublenested']

Updating our namespace records

To start off, there isn’t anything in our sys.modules dictionary yet.

[x for x in sys.modules if x.startswith('samplepackage')]

But if we use the ‘from __ import __’ syntax and go two levels deep

from samplepackage.subdirectory import doublenested
Automatically printing import statement from file located at: 
 C:\Users\nhounshell\Documents\github\BlackBook\Python\Modules and Packages\samplepackage\
Automatically printing import statement from file located at: 
 C:\Users\nhounshell\Documents\github\BlackBook\Python\Modules and Packages\samplepackage\subdirectory\

We’ll see that the __init__ files have created sys.modules entries every step of the way.

[x for x in sys.modules if x.startswith('samplepackage')]