Interaction Terms in Python

Vanilla OLS

Say we’ve got a dataset

from warnings import filterwarnings
from yellowbrick.datasets import load_bikeshare

X, y = load_bikeshare()

Where we measure the number of DC-area bikes rented

0    16
1    40
2    32
3    13
4     1
Name: riders, dtype: int64

Based on a number of features

season year month hour holiday weekday workingday weather temp feelslike humidity windspeed
0 1 0 1 0 0 6 0 1 0.24 0.2879 0.81 0.0
1 1 0 1 1 0 6 0 1 0.22 0.2727 0.80 0.0
2 1 0 1 2 0 6 0 1 0.22 0.2727 0.80 0.0
3 1 0 1 3 0 6 0 1 0.24 0.2879 0.75 0.0
4 1 0 1 4 0 6 0 1 0.24 0.2879 0.75 0.0

And just shoving everything into a Logistic Regression seems to work… alright

from statsmodels.api import OLS
import statsmodels.api as sm

X_const = sm.add_constant(X)
model = OLS(y, X_const).fit()

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: riders R-squared: 0.389
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.388
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 920.8
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2019 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00
Time: 12:39:26 Log-Likelihood: -1.1076e+05
No. Observations: 17379 AIC: 2.216e+05
Df Residuals: 17366 BIC: 2.217e+05
Df Model: 12
Covariance Type: nonrobust

coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const -25.7573 7.057 -3.650 0.000 -39.590 -11.925
season 19.8993 1.819 10.941 0.000 16.334 23.464
year 81.0872 2.164 37.463 0.000 76.845 85.330
month -0.0086 0.567 -0.015 0.988 -1.120 1.103
hour 7.6706 0.165 46.513 0.000 7.347 7.994
holiday -21.8792 6.694 -3.268 0.001 -35.001 -8.758
weekday 1.8784 0.541 3.474 0.001 0.819 2.938
workingday 3.9392 2.396 1.644 0.100 -0.756 8.635
weather -3.4321 1.905 -1.802 0.072 -7.165 0.301
temp 78.1498 36.957 2.115 0.034 5.710 150.590
feelslike 233.1571 41.517 5.616 0.000 151.779 314.535
humidity -198.1847 6.889 -28.770 0.000 -211.687 -184.682
windspeed 41.5652 9.628 4.317 0.000 22.692 60.438
Omnibus: 3417.855 Durbin-Watson: 0.553
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 6659.872
Skew: 1.198 Prob(JB): 0.00
Kurtosis: 4.859 Cond. No. 787.

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.

But at the same time, have good reason to believe that there’s some colinearity/interaction at play with our features.

from yellowbrick.features import Rank2D

visualizer = Rank2D(algorithm='pearson', size=(600, 500))
C:\Users\Nick\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\yellowbrick\features\ YellowbrickWarning: RankD plots may be clipped when using matplotlib v3.1.1, upgrade to matplotlib v3.1.2 or later to fix the plots.
  warnings.warn(msg, YellowbrickWarning)


Interaction Terms

From here, a good data scientist will take the time to do exploratory analysis and thoughtful feature engineering– this is the “More Art than Science” adage you hear so often.

But we’re trying to be home by 5, so how do we cram everything in and see what shakes out?

Getting Values

Thankfully, the PolynomialFeatures object in sklearn has us mostly-covered.

It’s originally used to generate sequences of (b_i1 * x_i) + (b_i2 * x_i^2) + ... for each feature in X, taking us from n features to 2^n features (in the case of PolynomialFeatures(degree=2), anyhow).

We’re not interested in polynomials, per se, but if you squint, the same itertools magic™ that powers the backend of this can also be used to provide all pairwise feature combinations, with minimal rewriting. They provide this, ez pz, with the interaction_only flag.

And so we go from

(17379, 12)

To an expected $\frac{p * (p - 1)}{2}$ pairs, plus our original p features, plus a bias term

p = len(X.columns)
(p * (p-1)) / 2 + p + 1


from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures

interaction = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2, interaction_only=True, include_bias=False)
X_inter = interaction.fit_transform(X)
X_inter_const = sm.add_constant(X_inter)

(17379, 79)

Now we brazenly throw it into a new model, and… oh. A lot of features called x

model = OLS(y, X_inter_const).fit()

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: riders R-squared: 0.449
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.447
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 183.2
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2019 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00
Time: 12:39:26 Log-Likelihood: -1.0986e+05
No. Observations: 17379 AIC: 2.199e+05
Df Residuals: 17301 BIC: 2.205e+05
Df Model: 77
Covariance Type: nonrobust

coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const -12.9215 31.348 -0.412 0.680 -74.367 48.524
x1 4.8668 13.591 0.358 0.720 -21.773 31.506
x2 1.5025 13.709 0.110 0.913 -25.368 28.373
x3 -5.6567 3.650 -1.550 0.121 -12.811 1.497
x4 -1.5711 1.010 -1.555 0.120 -3.551 0.409
x5 -53.5016 42.280 -1.265 0.206 -136.374 29.371
x6 -5.8416 3.221 -1.814 0.070 -12.155 0.471
x7 -59.3405 14.670 -4.045 0.000 -88.095 -30.586
x8 24.8815 12.260 2.030 0.042 0.851 48.912
x9 967.3801 242.465 3.990 0.000 492.123 1442.637
x10 -398.7968 267.389 -1.491 0.136 -922.906 125.313
x11 29.5847 38.027 0.778 0.437 -44.953 104.122
x12 -174.6887 55.839 -3.128 0.002 -284.138 -65.239
x13 -2.0902 3.782 -0.553 0.580 -9.503 5.322
x14 1.9024 0.528 3.600 0.000 0.867 2.938
x15 0.7962 0.259 3.071 0.002 0.288 1.304
x16 10.7146 8.522 1.257 0.209 -5.990 27.419
x17 0.8804 0.890 0.989 0.323 -0.864 2.625
x18 -3.3540 3.979 -0.843 0.399 -11.152 4.444
x19 5.1034 3.100 1.646 0.100 -0.972 11.179
x20 -224.2428 86.181 -2.602 0.009 -393.166 -55.320
x21 175.4640 94.973 1.848 0.065 -10.693 361.621
x22 -20.6737 12.747 -1.622 0.105 -45.659 4.312
x23 27.4909 16.320 1.685 0.092 -4.497 59.479
x24 2.0389 1.193 1.709 0.087 -0.299 4.377
x25 2.7809 0.318 8.752 0.000 2.158 3.404
x26 -10.2711 13.890 -0.739 0.460 -37.497 16.955
x27 3.0712 1.047 2.932 0.003 1.018 5.124
x28 18.9473 4.631 4.092 0.000 9.870 28.024
x29 1.8761 3.686 0.509 0.611 -5.349 9.101
x30 -157.1947 81.641 -1.925 0.054 -317.219 2.830
x31 281.8987 91.747 3.073 0.002 102.066 461.731
x32 -86.9838 13.435 -6.475 0.000 -113.317 -60.650
x33 56.9213 18.839 3.021 0.003 19.995 93.848
x34 -0.1121 0.081 -1.390 0.165 -0.270 0.046
x35 -2.2869 2.442 -0.937 0.349 -7.073 2.499
x36 -0.2278 0.277 -0.823 0.410 -0.770 0.314
x37 1.5086 1.241 1.215 0.224 -0.924 3.942
x38 -0.1445 0.980 -0.147 0.883 -2.066 1.777
x39 18.2864 29.504 0.620 0.535 -39.544 76.117
x40 19.1531 32.093 0.597 0.551 -43.752 82.059
x41 -12.4987 4.016 -3.112 0.002 -20.370 -4.627
x42 -7.3676 5.377 -1.370 0.171 -17.907 3.172
x43 -0.5631 1.007 -0.559 0.576 -2.537 1.411
x44 0.1410 0.079 1.785 0.074 -0.014 0.296
x45 2.6202 0.349 7.515 0.000 1.937 3.304
x46 -0.7095 0.269 -2.638 0.008 -1.237 -0.182
x47 14.8862 6.398 2.327 0.020 2.346 27.427
x48 1.7138 7.105 0.241 0.809 -12.213 15.641
x49 -4.8835 1.044 -4.676 0.000 -6.931 -2.836
x50 2.9944 1.512 1.980 0.048 0.031 5.958
x51 -15.1452 5.540 -2.734 0.006 -26.004 -4.287
x52 -1.182e-10 4.83e-10 -0.245 0.807 -1.06e-09 8.28e-10
x53 8.2441 13.453 0.613 0.540 -18.126 34.614
x54 86.9426 321.342 0.271 0.787 -542.920 716.805
x55 -105.9596 360.484 -0.294 0.769 -812.544 600.625
x56 89.3853 42.836 2.087 0.037 5.422 173.349
x57 44.2759 61.352 0.722 0.471 -75.981 164.533
x58 0.1447 1.103 0.131 0.896 -2.017 2.307
x59 1.0061 0.954 1.054 0.292 -0.865 2.877
x60 -5.9934 21.479 -0.279 0.780 -48.095 36.108
x61 5.8283 24.149 0.241 0.809 -41.507 53.163
x62 2.8903 3.350 0.863 0.388 -3.675 9.456
x63 3.8508 4.730 0.814 0.416 -5.420 13.121
x64 -16.6488 4.196 -3.967 0.000 -24.874 -8.424
x65 177.4266 99.436 1.784 0.074 -17.478 372.331
x66 -327.3872 111.723 -2.930 0.003 -546.376 -108.399
x67 182.2881 14.743 12.364 0.000 153.390 211.186
x68 -14.7536 20.919 -0.705 0.481 -55.757 26.250
x69 -52.0472 71.177 -0.731 0.465 -191.562 87.467
x70 62.3664 79.334 0.786 0.432 -93.136 217.869
x71 -17.1516 9.734 -1.762 0.078 -36.230 1.927
x72 -91.6947 15.635 -5.865 0.000 -122.342 -61.048
x73 -435.5407 39.880 -10.921 0.000 -513.709 -357.372
x74 -395.4048 247.880 -1.595 0.111 -881.275 90.465
x75 165.5110 300.640 0.551 0.582 -423.774 754.796
x76 94.8156 284.153 0.334 0.739 -462.153 651.784
x77 133.3275 336.596 0.396 0.692 -526.434 793.089
x78 195.9651 54.599 3.589 0.000 88.945 302.985
Omnibus: 3803.577 Durbin-Watson: 0.621
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 8630.456
Skew: 1.246 Prob(JB): 0.00
Kurtosis: 5.390 Cond. No. 1.24e+16

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The smallest eigenvalue is 1.64e-24. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity problems or that the design matrix is singular.

Feature Names?

The interaction object keeps track of the names of our feature combinations… sort of

['x0', 'x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 'x6', 'x7', 'x8', 'x9', 'x10', 'x11', 'x0 x1', 'x0 x2', 'x0 x3', 'x0 x4', 'x0 x5', 'x0 x6', 'x0 x7', 'x0 x8', 'x0 x9', 'x0 x10', 'x0 x11', 'x1 x2', 'x1 x3', 'x1 x4', 'x1 x5', 'x1 x6', 'x1 x7', 'x1 x8', 'x1 x9', 'x1 x10', 'x1 x11', 'x2 x3', 'x2 x4', 'x2 x5', 'x2 x6', 'x2 x7', 'x2 x8', 'x2 x9', 'x2 x10', 'x2 x11', 'x3 x4', 'x3 x5', 'x3 x6', 'x3 x7', 'x3 x8', 'x3 x9', 'x3 x10', 'x3 x11', 'x4 x5', 'x4 x6', 'x4 x7', 'x4 x8', 'x4 x9', 'x4 x10', 'x4 x11', 'x5 x6', 'x5 x7', 'x5 x8', 'x5 x9', 'x5 x10', 'x5 x11', 'x6 x7', 'x6 x8', 'x6 x9', 'x6 x10', 'x6 x11', 'x7 x8', 'x7 x9', 'x7 x10', 'x7 x11', 'x8 x9', 'x8 x10', 'x8 x11', 'x9 x10', 'x9 x11', 'x10 x11']

Assuming that a bevy of xi xjs aren’t much more useful than the output of model.summary() we can do some hacky, Python nonsense to decode a bit.

For starters, we want to create a dictionary that maps xi to its corresponding feature name in our dataset.

We’ll use the itertools.count() function, as it’s basically enumerate, but plays better with generator expressions.

from itertools import count

x_to_feature = dict(zip(('x{}'.format(i) for i in count()), X.columns))
{'x0': 'season',
 'x1': 'year',
 'x2': 'month',
 'x3': 'hour',
 'x4': 'holiday',
 'x5': 'weekday',
 'x6': 'workingday',
 'x7': 'weather',
 'x8': 'temp',
 'x9': 'feelslike',
 'x10': 'humidity',
 'x11': 'windspeed'}

Next, you know it’s Sound Data Science™ when we break out

import re

Finally, this little diddy goes through and makes the appropriate substitutions for xi to their respective feature names, then replaces spaces with underscores so pandas references isn’t such a chore

# necessary so `x11` gets a chance to swap before 
# before `x1` leaves us with "season1" where we wanted
# "windspeed"
feature_keys = list(x_to_feature.keys())[::-1]

features = []

for feature in interaction.get_feature_names():
    for key in feature_keys:
        feature_name = x_to_feature[key]
        feature = re.sub(key, feature_name, feature)
    feature = re.sub(' ', '_', feature)

Then we’ll slap these feature names onto our big ol’ dataset

import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm

X_all_inter = pd.DataFrame(X_inter, columns=features)
X_all_inter_const = sm.add_constant(X_all_inter)

And refit

model = OLS(y, X_all_inter_const).fit()

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: riders R-squared: 0.449
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.447
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 183.2
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2019 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00
Time: 12:39:27 Log-Likelihood: -1.0986e+05
No. Observations: 17379 AIC: 2.199e+05
Df Residuals: 17301 BIC: 2.205e+05
Df Model: 77
Covariance Type: nonrobust

coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const -12.9215 31.348 -0.412 0.680 -74.367 48.524
season 4.8668 13.591 0.358 0.720 -21.773 31.506
year 1.5025 13.709 0.110 0.913 -25.368 28.373
month -5.6567 3.650 -1.550 0.121 -12.811 1.497
hour -1.5711 1.010 -1.555 0.120 -3.551 0.409
holiday -53.5016 42.280 -1.265 0.206 -136.374 29.371
weekday -5.8416 3.221 -1.814 0.070 -12.155 0.471
workingday -59.3405 14.670 -4.045 0.000 -88.095 -30.586
weather 24.8815 12.260 2.030 0.042 0.851 48.912
temp 967.3801 242.465 3.990 0.000 492.123 1442.637
feelslike -398.7968 267.389 -1.491 0.136 -922.906 125.313
humidity 29.5847 38.027 0.778 0.437 -44.953 104.122
windspeed -174.6887 55.839 -3.128 0.002 -284.138 -65.239
season_year -2.0902 3.782 -0.553 0.580 -9.503 5.322
season_month 1.9024 0.528 3.600 0.000 0.867 2.938
season_hour 0.7962 0.259 3.071 0.002 0.288 1.304
season_holiday 10.7146 8.522 1.257 0.209 -5.990 27.419
season_weekday 0.8804 0.890 0.989 0.323 -0.864 2.625
season_workingday -3.3540 3.979 -0.843 0.399 -11.152 4.444
season_weather 5.1034 3.100 1.646 0.100 -0.972 11.179
season_temp -224.2428 86.181 -2.602 0.009 -393.166 -55.320
season_feelslike 175.4640 94.973 1.848 0.065 -10.693 361.621
season_humidity -20.6737 12.747 -1.622 0.105 -45.659 4.312
season_windspeed 27.4909 16.320 1.685 0.092 -4.497 59.479
year_month 2.0389 1.193 1.709 0.087 -0.299 4.377
year_hour 2.7809 0.318 8.752 0.000 2.158 3.404
year_holiday -10.2711 13.890 -0.739 0.460 -37.497 16.955
year_weekday 3.0712 1.047 2.932 0.003 1.018 5.124
year_workingday 18.9473 4.631 4.092 0.000 9.870 28.024
year_weather 1.8761 3.686 0.509 0.611 -5.349 9.101
year_temp -157.1947 81.641 -1.925 0.054 -317.219 2.830
year_feelslike 281.8987 91.747 3.073 0.002 102.066 461.731
year_humidity -86.9838 13.435 -6.475 0.000 -113.317 -60.650
year_windspeed 56.9213 18.839 3.021 0.003 19.995 93.848
month_hour -0.1121 0.081 -1.390 0.165 -0.270 0.046
month_holiday -2.2869 2.442 -0.937 0.349 -7.073 2.499
month_weekday -0.2278 0.277 -0.823 0.410 -0.770 0.314
month_workingday 1.5086 1.241 1.215 0.224 -0.924 3.942
month_weather -0.1445 0.980 -0.147 0.883 -2.066 1.777
month_temp 18.2864 29.504 0.620 0.535 -39.544 76.117
month_feelslike 19.1531 32.093 0.597 0.551 -43.752 82.059
month_humidity -12.4987 4.016 -3.112 0.002 -20.370 -4.627
month_windspeed -7.3676 5.377 -1.370 0.171 -17.907 3.172
hour_holiday -0.5631 1.007 -0.559 0.576 -2.537 1.411
hour_weekday 0.1410 0.079 1.785 0.074 -0.014 0.296
hour_workingday 2.6202 0.349 7.515 0.000 1.937 3.304
hour_weather -0.7095 0.269 -2.638 0.008 -1.237 -0.182
hour_temp 14.8862 6.398 2.327 0.020 2.346 27.427
hour_feelslike 1.7138 7.105 0.241 0.809 -12.213 15.641
hour_humidity -4.8835 1.044 -4.676 0.000 -6.931 -2.836
hour_windspeed 2.9944 1.512 1.980 0.048 0.031 5.958
holiday_weekday -15.1452 5.540 -2.734 0.006 -26.004 -4.287
holiday_workingday -1.182e-10 4.83e-10 -0.245 0.807 -1.06e-09 8.28e-10
holiday_weather 8.2441 13.453 0.613 0.540 -18.126 34.614
holiday_temp 86.9426 321.342 0.271 0.787 -542.920 716.805
holiday_feelslike -105.9596 360.484 -0.294 0.769 -812.544 600.625
holiday_humidity 89.3853 42.836 2.087 0.037 5.422 173.349
holiday_windspeed 44.2759 61.352 0.722 0.471 -75.981 164.533
weekday_workingday 0.1447 1.103 0.131 0.896 -2.017 2.307
weekday_weather 1.0061 0.954 1.054 0.292 -0.865 2.877
weekday_temp -5.9934 21.479 -0.279 0.780 -48.095 36.108
weekday_feelslike 5.8283 24.149 0.241 0.809 -41.507 53.163
weekday_humidity 2.8903 3.350 0.863 0.388 -3.675 9.456
weekday_windspeed 3.8508 4.730 0.814 0.416 -5.420 13.121
workingday_weather -16.6488 4.196 -3.967 0.000 -24.874 -8.424
workingday_temp 177.4266 99.436 1.784 0.074 -17.478 372.331
workingday_feelslike -327.3872 111.723 -2.930 0.003 -546.376 -108.399
workingday_humidity 182.2881 14.743 12.364 0.000 153.390 211.186
workingday_windspeed -14.7536 20.919 -0.705 0.481 -55.757 26.250
weather_temp -52.0472 71.177 -0.731 0.465 -191.562 87.467
weather_feelslike 62.3664 79.334 0.786 0.432 -93.136 217.869
weather_humidity -17.1516 9.734 -1.762 0.078 -36.230 1.927
weather_windspeed -91.6947 15.635 -5.865 0.000 -122.342 -61.048
temp_feelslike -435.5407 39.880 -10.921 0.000 -513.709 -357.372
temp_humidity -395.4048 247.880 -1.595 0.111 -881.275 90.465
temp_windspeed 165.5110 300.640 0.551 0.582 -423.774 754.796
feelslike_humidity 94.8156 284.153 0.334 0.739 -462.153 651.784
feelslike_windspeed 133.3275 336.596 0.396 0.692 -526.434 793.089
humidity_windspeed 195.9651 54.599 3.589 0.000 88.945 302.985
Omnibus: 3803.577 Durbin-Watson: 0.621
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 8630.456
Skew: 1.246 Prob(JB): 0.00
Kurtosis: 5.390 Cond. No. 1.24e+16

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The smallest eigenvalue is 1.64e-24. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity problems or that the design matrix is singular.

And that’s Data Science!

from IPython.display import Image
