Best Linear Programming Resource I've Seen

Not a lot that I could say on the matter that wasn’t fantastically-handled by this blog series.

Instead, I’ll follow along the posts, distilling key principles and elaborating where needed.

Part 1

In a valid system of linear constraints, there’s some region of feasible solutions, as the author represents in gray.

from IPython.display import Image


Then, as they show by inspection, the maxima of linear programming problems lies at the corners of these areas.

Of course, the reason that this whole problem space exists is because the notion of “corners” is trivial in 2D, but quickly gets unwieldy in higher dimensions

Part 2

The basic anatomy of using pulp is

  1. Instantiate your problem with the objective being either LpMinimize or LpMaximize
  2. Build out your variables using LpVariable. In the simple case, you can optionally constrain upper and lower bounds, as well as determine whether your variable is Continuous, Integer, or Binary
  3. Use the += operator on your LpProblem object to define the equation you aim your optimization objective at
  4. Use the += operator on your LpProblem object to add any constraints
  5. Use the .solve() method on your LpProblem to solve, which modifies all of your variables in place
  6. Print your solutions using a blend of .varVal and pulp.value

One thing that confused the hell out of me is how overloaded the += operator is. Let’s pull back the curtain a bit.

Using the same example as the author:

from pulp import LpProblem, LpVariable

prob = LpProblem('prob')
x = LpVariable('x', lowBound=0)
y = LpVariable('y', lowBound=0)

Let’s look at some of the right sides of equations in ln [4]

4 * x + 3 * y
4*x + 3*y + 0
2 * y <= 25
2*y + -25 <= 0

These look the same, as far as their __repr__ go, but looking at the type, we see

type(4 * x + 3 * y)
type(2 * y <= 25)

Peeking under the hood, there’s some really clever API design at play here. x is of class LpVariable


Which inherits from type LpElement


Which is loaded to the brim with dunder methods that use any arithmetic to return LpAffineExpression objects



So in that second example,

2 * y <= 25
2*y + -25 <= 0

The left side uses the __mul__ and becomes an LpAffineExpression

type(2 * y)

Then that object uses the __le__ method which returns an LpConstraint object

type(2 * y <= 25)

It’s worth noting that because of the Python operator precedence, the <=, >=, == operators happen pretty close to last, and thus we can also write that same expression backwards

type(25 >= y * 2)

Putting it all together, we’ll inspect the += dunder method for our LpProblem variable, prob.

As you can see (and as the author illustrates), calling += has different behavior depending on whether you’re using LpConstraint or LpAffineExpression.



Not terribly transparent, but it’s good design, once you know how it all fits together!

Part 3

This post is pretty straight-forward. Does a good job highlighting how calling the .solve() method updates everying in place, and retrieval via pulp.value and .varValue.

Part 4

This post highlights the finesse of structuring your Linear Programming problem, as well as introducing two other topics of note: LpVariable.dicts and lpSum


As you might expect, the literal construction of your problem can get unwieldy as you get more and more constraints. This is essentially a clever utility that lets you programmatically create LpVariable objects.

First, let’s look at the instantiation call. This is almost identical to our typical LpVariable call, including name, the bounds, and data type in cat. However, the key difference here is in the indexs argument. This works in concert with name to loop through your indexs iterable and generate unique variable names of the form name_index, as you can see below.

indexes = ['a', 'b', 'c']
test = LpVariable.dicts(name='test', indexs=indexes,
                        lowBound=0, cat='Continuous')

{'a': test_a, 'b': test_b, 'c': test_c}

It’s worth noting that this operation returns a simple, vanilla dictionary


Whose contents are all of type LpVariable


and have been instantiated with the arguments found in the top-level call

test['a'].lowBound, test['a'].cat
(0, 'Continuous')

And so in the example post, the author essentially does some list comprehension magic to make all n x m variables that are unique combinations of the sausage_types and ingredients.

Because this is a tuple of strings, it’s hashable, and becomes the key to the dictionary

import pulp

# Construct our decision variable lists
sausage_types = ['economy', 'premium']
ingredients = ['pork', 'wheat', 'starch']

ing_weight = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("weight kg",
                                     ((i, j) for i in sausage_types for j in ingredients),

{('economy', 'pork'): weight_kg_('economy',_'pork'),
 ('economy', 'wheat'): weight_kg_('economy',_'wheat'),
 ('economy', 'starch'): weight_kg_('economy',_'starch'),
 ('premium', 'pork'): weight_kg_('premium',_'pork'),
 ('premium', 'wheat'): weight_kg_('premium',_'wheat'),
 ('premium', 'starch'): weight_kg_('premium',_'starch')}

Behind the scenes, pulp string-ifies the combination of name and, as above, creates the variables with the correct arguments.

ing_weight['economy', 'pork']


This one wasn’t immediately obvious to me. Essentially, .lpSum() provides a similar means for programmatic criteria generation. To see why this is necessary, in our overall problem we’re trying to minimize cost, across 6 variables. But because there are 3 unique costs, there’s obviously a more elegant way to express the final cost than just writing all 6 of them out.

from pulp import lpSum
from warnings import filterwarnings

model = pulp.LpProblem("Cost minimising blending problem", pulp.LpMinimize)

So we do a simple list comprehension to express that, which gives us a tuple of 2 LpAffineExpressions

costs = [4.32 * ing_weight[(i, 'pork')]
         + 2.46 * ing_weight[(i, 'wheat')]
         + 1.86 * ing_weight[(i, 'starch')]
         for i in sausage_types]
[4.32*weight_kg_('economy',_'pork') + 1.86*weight_kg_('economy',_'starch') + 2.46*weight_kg_('economy',_'wheat') + 0.0,
 4.32*weight_kg_('premium',_'pork') + 1.86*weight_kg_('premium',_'starch') + 2.46*weight_kg_('premium',_'wheat') + 0.0]

Should be able to pipe that in, yeah?

model += (costs)

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-26-ff6b5f8a8a6d> in <module>
----> 1 model += (costs)

C:\Users\Nick\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pulp\ in __iadd__(self, other)
   1360    = name
   1361         else:
-> 1362             raise TypeError("Can only add LpConstraintVar, LpConstraint, LpAffineExpression or True objects")
   1363         return self

TypeError: Can only add LpConstraintVar, LpConstraint, LpAffineExpression or True objects

Nope. Instead, we’ll use lpSum(). I think what threw me for a loop was that this isn’t necessarily a sum– after all, aren’t there a number of multiplication terms?

Perhaps a more accurate name for this function would be LpAffineExpression.from_iter(), because it’s essentially there to allow you to assemble an LpAffineExpression object from an iterable of them, but alas, knowing what the lpSum function does, we can just think of as “a sum of affine expressions.”

model += (
        4.32 * ing_weight[(i, 'pork')]
        + 2.46 * ing_weight[(i, 'wheat')]
        + 1.86 * ing_weight[(i, 'starch')]
        for i in sausage_types])

4.32*weight_kg_('economy',_'pork') + 1.86*weight_kg_('economy',_'starch') + 2.46*weight_kg_('economy',_'wheat') + 4.32*weight_kg_('premium',_'pork') + 1.86*weight_kg_('premium',_'starch') + 2.46*weight_kg_('premium',_'wheat') + 0.0
weight_kg_('economy',_'pork') Continuous
weight_kg_('economy',_'starch') Continuous
weight_kg_('economy',_'wheat') Continuous
weight_kg_('premium',_'pork') Continuous
weight_kg_('premium',_'starch') Continuous
weight_kg_('premium',_'wheat') Continuous

Finally, we can see that the author uses this same function to generate multiple constraints as well

model += pulp.lpSum([ing_weight['economy', j] for j in ingredients]) == 350 * 0.05
model += pulp.lpSum([ing_weight['premium', j] for j in ingredients]) == 500 * 0.05

4.32*weight_kg_('economy',_'pork') + 1.86*weight_kg_('economy',_'starch') + 2.46*weight_kg_('economy',_'wheat') + 4.32*weight_kg_('premium',_'pork') + 1.86*weight_kg_('premium',_'starch') + 2.46*weight_kg_('premium',_'wheat') + 0.0
_C1: weight_kg_('economy',_'pork') + weight_kg_('economy',_'starch')
 + weight_kg_('economy',_'wheat') = 17.5

_C2: weight_kg_('premium',_'pork') + weight_kg_('premium',_'starch')
 + weight_kg_('premium',_'wheat') = 25

weight_kg_('economy',_'pork') Continuous
weight_kg_('economy',_'starch') Continuous
weight_kg_('economy',_'wheat') Continuous
weight_kg_('premium',_'pork') Continuous
weight_kg_('premium',_'starch') Continuous
weight_kg_('premium',_'wheat') Continuous

Part 5

Finally, this post– and the one after it– bring it all together, showing how to interface between pulp and a more-traditional pandas workflow.

I want to put particular emphasis on how well-designed keys for LpVariable.dicts allows the author to simultaneously interface with the pandas.DataFrame that houses our optimization criteria, as well as the pulp objects that he’s constructing. For instance, the overall problem statement is “minimize all costs”, which is achieved through their simple model instantiation (model = LpProblem('Cost minimize', pulp.LpMinimize)) and this monster of a pulp.lpSum

model += pulp.lpSum(
    [production[month, factory] * factories.loc[(month, factory), 'Variable_Costs']
       for month, factory in factories.index]
    + [factory_status[month, factory] * factories.loc[(month, factory), 'Fixed_Costs']
       for month, factory in factories.index]

This is actually pretty straight-forward to read when you deconstruct.

production[month, factory] and factory_status[month, factory] are two dicts of LpVariables and factories.loc[(month, factory), ...] just reference the relevant cells within the DataFrame to complete the equation.

Finally, the author goes through and tailors the constraints for each month/factory combination by going through and updating the records of the dictionary.

for month, factory in factories.index:
    min_production = factories.loc[(month, factory), 'Min_Capacity']
    max_production = factories.loc[(month, factory), 'Max_Capacity']
    model += production[(month, factory)] >= min_production * factory_status[month, factory]
    model += production[(month, factory)] <= max_production * factory_status[month, factory]

Building these dictionaries form LpVariable.dicts was handy for their organization and default behavior, but this step allows us to update, instead of building a whole mess of lpVariables from scratch, instantiating with the appropriate values of lowBound and upBound.

Aaaaand for good measure, creating the super-specific constraints in the problem statement are two simple dictionary calls

# Factory B is off in May
model += factory_status[5, 'B'] == 0
model += production[5, 'B'] == 0

The last post in his series is super interesting, but in my estimation, not so fundamental that I’ll elaborate in this notebook.